Thursday, January 28, 2010


We plan to return, to venture back into the wild and become again children beneath bending boughs of birch and twilight. We've lived as town folk for far too long, and because of this our instinctive minds have atrophied to a point that the natural world around us would dissaprove of with a fiery unmercilessness (rabid moose?).


What awaits us is essentially a journey consisting of the return to oursevles; our capabilities and the extent that these capabilities can be realized and manifested. The capabilities which we are striving to fulfill is the mastering of various skills necessary to exist self-sufficiently in a natural environment.

Fuck Bear Grills, we won't be guzzling elephant shit or making a lean-to out of recently deceased giraffe hide. Our goal is to realistically be able to hold our own out and aboot, in THE WILD!!!!!!!

Comprehensive list- so far:

-Fire making!
-First Aid
-Tying knots
-Tent set-up
-Cuddling :)
-Self- entertaining
-Wood gathering
-Food (hunting/ food gathering)
-Skinning and gutting
-Clothes stitching
- Basket weaving
- Pipe making and smoking
- Orientation
-Trap making

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